Swelling under one eye

WikiAnswers - What could cause swelling under just one eyeWhat causes swelling under the eyes? Swelling Under the Eyes Sounds like Blepharitis or that you are allergic to the castor oil. If it is the first case, I recommend asking your doctor for help. Your doctor will probably tell you to What could cause swelling above and around just one eye? mastocytosis Could an allergy cause swelling under one eye? Yes. When you notice it take your usual allergy medicine. Also, put an ice pack on the swollen

Swollen eyes and eye infectionsSometimes just one eye may be involved, but often, both eyes are affected. There are four main causes: allergy, autoimmune, infection and irritation. Some causes of a swollen, red, painful eye can cause permanent damage if left untreated, so it is important to have eye problems diagnosed as soon but dust mites, animal secretions, cosmetics and even contact lens solutions can cause allergic eye swelling and redness, too. Usual

Eye swelling - Symptom Checker - check medical symptoms atList of 83 causes of Eye swelling, alternative diagnoses, rare causes, misdiagnoses, patient stories, and much more.Causes of Types of Eye swelling: Review the causes of these more specific types of Eye swelling: Periorbital oedema (22 causes); Papilloedema (60 causes); more types» Review causes of types of Eye swelling in more specific categories: Eye swelling in children (21 causes); more types»

Can an allergy cause swelling under only one eye? « Health4 posts - 4 authorsDust mite allergy can cause swelling under one eye. Dust mites are found in the carpets, upholstered furniture, bedding etc. DustAllergic to certain foods might also lead to swelling under one eye. Besides that dust mite allergy as mentioned above are also main factors leading to swelling under one

Swelling under right eye [Archive] - HealthBoards Message Boards5 posts - 3 authors - Last post: Jan 29, 2007[Archive] Swelling under right eye Thyroid Disorders.If I dont get enough sleep or water, I tend to have bigger bags under my eyes. But recently I noticed something interesting. On one of the days where I had lots of water and a good nights rest, under my left eye I basically had no bag at all..on the right hand side however, I had one and fairly

swelling left eyelids - Eye Care Archive - MedHelp6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: May 16, 2009Vision 2.5 both eyes Swelling in the upper eyelid and / or lower eyelid of the left eye. No problem in vision. No paiAfter the swelling went down, my other eye began to swell the next night.Usually it only happens to one eye but sometimes both. IIt usually happens on the corner of my eye by my nose.sometimes you can see my cheeks swell, too, just under my eyes.no puss,discharge or crusty.One more thing,

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Sinusitis Forum - Swelling Under the Eye?6 posts - 4 authors - Last post: Oct 18, 2008Swelling Under the Eye?. Last night I was at a restaurant and very suddenly just under my eye started to swell up. IMy eye has been swelling up occasionally for about 4 years now. I am 32 years old. Sometimes it's when I have a cold, and sometimes I just wake up with it for (you can purchase irrigation kits at your pharmacy or a netti-pot) you simply prepare the rinse as the kit directs and then insert into one nostril. It