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ChatRoulette Sparks "Next" Proxy War Between the U.S. and RussiaChatRoulette Sparks "Next" Proxy War Between the U.S. and Russia <div id="article-deck"> Andrey Ternovskiy, the 17-year-old creator of Chat Roulette, is now embroiled in a bidding war that pits the U.S. and Russia against each other over where the company will end up. Could background: transparent; border: none;" cite=""><div align

New Google Maps Mashup Exposes Chatroulette User LocationsYou can now see Chatroulette user's locations with a Google Maps mashup that pinpoints where people are signing in to the voyeuristic video-conferencing service.The accuracy of tracking locations via IP addresses varies with the provider and area. It's certainly not super precise technology, butit's not just privacy here at stake the question is who has access to see a users location? Because if a young teenage girls location is availableI understand the premise of slowing down would be 'flashers,' however, there are thousands of ways to change your IP, re-route it, proxy, etc. Infringement – One on One, Text, Video, Webcam Chat - One on One, Text, Video, Webcam Chat at Chatroulette!, Chatroulette is now becoming popular for having a high search in the net. They could also have video chat like But I don't know why is blocked in Saudi Arabia any idea. ? I have seen the site via proxy and this is what is written on the site : Tips: • You can also access this site by typing

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Connections: Chatroulette Cock Map « silentlyCrashing::netThe locations of all cocks found can then be seen on the Chatroulette Cock Map companion website. The sniffer app also copies the location to yourIf I log onto chatroulette through a proxy website, will that hide where I am? I'm not a pervert on there, nor do I troll people. IChatroulette works because it is anonymous – the very thing you are trying to stop!!! Do you smart guys not get that just as bad people will always use

Does anyone know a proxy that will work with Chatroulette? - Yahoo Does anyone know a proxy that will work with Chatroulette? the other proxies ive tried dont want to completely load the site. if you know of any that work with Chatroulette that would be great. :) thankss.also you can get a list of new proxies , IP address and Port numbers you can watch videos and write comments and access Chatroulette, myspace, facebook, and youtube and also all sites for free and without advertisements

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