Animal testing cons

Free Essay Animal Testing: Pros and ConsAnimal Testing: Pros and Cons Uploaded by tybanks on Apr 19, 2005(Animal Experiments) It has been estimated that approximately, 20 million animals are being used for testing and are killed annually; about 15 million of them are used to test for medication and five million for other productsSupporters for animal testing argue that research is justified because it assists in discovering ways to help people and other animals for the future. Surgery

The Pros and Cons of Animal TestingAnimal testing is the use of animals in scientific experiments. Most animal testing is done by universities, pharmaceutical companies, and medical schools. Most.Opinions about the ethics of animal testing have shifted greatly through the end of the 20th century and into the 21st century. SomeI have been studying pros and cons of animal testing, and to be honest, it is not worth the lives of millions of animals. There

Animal Testing StatisticsThere are individuals, who cannot weigh the animal testing pros and cons to decide for themselves which side of the fence they are going to get off. IndividualsAnimal testing helps preserve the environment. During research the animals are treated humanely. Animal Testing Cons The basic argument that the animal rights activists have managed to gain public support for, is that under the disguise of these tests the animals are genetically modified, force

SoulCast - Animal Testing - the pros and consmedical research that can save peoples lives or help them lead better lives - The supporters of animal testing argue that if animal testing is eliminatedAnd yes there are pros and cons for animal testing. Medical testing could most certainly be considered necessary. However, cosmetic and other types areAnd as for the pros and cons of animal testing thats ridiculous pros are just as bad as doing it period let me just say this if you can't test it on

Using Animals for Testing: Pro's Versus Con's - About AnimalThe pros and cons of animal testing are both important to understand but unfortunately, neither offers a definitive answer to please everyone.There are many pros and cons to the practice of animal testing. Unfortunately, neither the pro's nor the con's seem to fully tip the scale to a side that pleasesWhile there are numerous pro's and con's of animal testing, the ethical aspect overshadows both of them, which means that emotion may be the ultimate

Animal testing consInformation about animal testing cons.Welcome to the animal testing cons land. Here you can find more information about animals. You can also ask questions about animal testing conss. There are a close relation between animal testing conss and human. According to the evolution theory, human was evolved from animal testing conss. Of

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Animal testing cons
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Animal Testing Pros And Cons - Arguments For and Against AnimalAnimal testing facts, information and news. Animal testing pros and cons debate with arguments for and against animal testing. Articles Animal Testing Statistics Animal testing statistics is a touchy and sensitive subject for many individuals. There is a lot of hue and cry over the ever